Dialing Code for South Korea is 82 | |
Here is some useful travel information about South Korea. | |
Flag | ![]() |
Region | Asia |
ISO 2 digit Code | KR |
ISO 3 digit Code | KOR |
Capital City | Seoul |
Currency | Won |
Population | 48,422,644 |
Area (SQ KM) | 98,480 |
IDD / Exit code for Trinidad and Tobago is 011 | |
Here is some useful travel information about Trinidad and Tobago. | |
Flag | ![]() |
Region | North America |
ISO 2 digit Code | TT |
ISO 3 digit Code | TTO |
Capital City | Port of Spain |
Currency | Dollar TTD |
Population | 1,228,691 |
Area (SQ KM) | 5,128 |