Dialing Code for Bosnia and Herzegovina is 387 | |
Here is some useful travel information about Bosnia and Herzegovina. | |
Flag | ![]() |
Region | Europe |
ISO 2 digit Code | BA |
ISO 3 digit Code | BIH |
Capital City | Sarajevo |
Currency | Marka |
Population | 4,590,000 |
Area (SQ KM) | 51,129 |
IDD / Exit code for Lesotho is 00 | |
Here is some useful travel information about Lesotho. | |
Flag | ![]() |
Region | Africa |
ISO 2 digit Code | LS |
ISO 3 digit Code | LSO |
Capital City | Masero |
Currency | Loti LSL |
Population | 1,919,552 |
Area (SQ KM) | 30,355 |